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What are these Stars all about?

The stars which you can see below Members usernames depict the following:

Star87 or less posts新進夢員
StarStarStarmore then 88, but less then 887 posts親近夢員
StarStarStarStarmore then 888, but less then 8887 posts有情有義之夢員
StarStarStarStarStarmore then 8888 posts最高境界之夢員

What's UB Code?
It's an alternative to HTML, so you can stylize and add images to your code.

How do I use UB Code?
Below are examples of the use and how to use UB Code. You basically just type in what it says! For example, if you want bold text: [b]Bold Text[/b] -> Bold Text

\http://www.ultrascripts.comSimple Linking (work for url/email address)http://www.ultrascripts.com
[url=http://www.ultrascripts.com]UltraScripts.com[/url]Adv. LinkingUltraScripts.com
[email=support@ultrascripts.com]Support Email[/url]Email AddressSupport Email
[img=Your image address]Show Image[image]
[b]Bold Text[/b]Bold TextBold Text
[i]Italics Text[/i]Italics TextItalics Text
[u]Underline Text[/u]Underline TextUnderline Text
[1]Size 1 Text[/1]Size 1 TextSize 1 Text
[2]Size 2 Text[/2]Size 2 TextSize 2 Text
[3]Size 3 Text[/3]Size 3 TextSize 3 Text
[4]Size 4 Text[/4]Size 4 TextSize 4 Text
[fixed]Fixed Text[/fixed]Fixed TextFixed Text
[sup]Superscript Text[/sup]Superscript TexttextSuperscript Text
[sub]Subscript Text[/sub]Subscript TexttextSubscript Text
[center]Center Text[/center]Center Text
Center Text
[color=0000FF]Color Text[/color]Color TextColor Text
[list]List ItemsList Items
  • List Items
  • [pre]Preformatted Text[/pre]Preformatted Text
      Preformatted Text
    [quote]Quoted Text[/quote]Quoted Text

    Quoted Text
    [code]Coded Text[/code]Coded Text
    Coded Text

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